Inspirational Creatives – Conversations with successful artists, producers and creative entrepreneurs who offer ideas, stories and strategies to help you create the life and business you want.
These intimate chats deliver what you need to know to take your big ideas and creativity to the next level.
Inspirational Creatives supports creative people towards creating a life full of meaning: one that impacts and empowers those in the world we live in
Every Friday you’ll hear an in-depth interview with an expert.
Every Wednesday you’ll hear a short-action episode helping you to take your life and creativity to the next level.
Click here for all previous episodes

Hello, I’m Rob
Right now, I’ve dedicated my life to bringing fresh conversations to your ears: listening experiences designed to inspire your big ideas into action.
Because according to the World Economic Forum, creativity will be the third most in-demand job skill in 2020, behind critical thinking and complex problem solving.
Which is funny, because most of the people I’ve spoken to believe that creativity is all about critical thinking and complex problem solving.
I created Inspirational Creatives to help you make new connections with other like-minded souls. You’ll meet both those on a similar journey to yours and others well travelled.
You see, when I started finding mentors for my own creativity and business my life changed forever. Now I invite you to have that experience too.
And you?
You came here because you want to create a living doing what you want, right?
To be your own boss. To lead your own life.
A life of creative freedom.
The opportunity to achieve more purpose and prosperity from the activities you do.
The wealth to help and inspire others.
If you have a bright idea you’re wishing to develop and implement, and you want to learn how to take the next step, Inspirational Creatives is for you.
I want to help you, and here’s why:
I know what it’s like to feel unhappy. Not just with work but in life. Struggling to get up everyday because I lacked passion and purpose: because my big ideas weren’t working and I didn’t have the creative freedom I craved.
Read more about my story here
It’s the same for every artist and creative entrepreneur I’ve met who, at some point, drifted off course.
You’ve just found yourself on the wrong heading.
If you’re not getting the results you want in life it’s because your compass is spinning.
Here’s why:
As a child, you had grand ideas: that you were born to do something significant with your life.
Then school happened.
Then maybe higher education and university.
You grew up.
Doing what you felt was right, you heeded advice from your parents, your friends parents, and your college professors, to become an office clerk instead of a dancer, or a computer programmer instead of a successful musician or songwriter.
You did the “right thing”: you gave up and abandoned the dream.
Real life is supposed to be like that. Apparently.
But deep down a little voice, the child or something within you, is still calling.
If you pay attention and listen carefully enough, you can hear clearly what she has to say.
She’s telling you there’s another life for you out there: one that is un-lived.
The truth?
You do deserve a rich life.
You are more than worthy of pursuing a life doing what you love.
You have got unique talents, gifts and abilities.
Your passion does matter.
The only thing holding you back is knowing what the right thing to do is and when.
You see, when you were growing up, thousands of little voices suggested you weren’t worthy of doing whatever it was you dreamed of.
At first you ignored them, and then eventually, perhaps sub-consciously, you began to believe them.
These voices were so quiet and so much part of the background noise they went unnoticed by you. You mustn’t blame yourself: you weren’t to know.
All along they convinced you to believe you were not worthy because they, too, felt unworthy.
But not you.
I know, you know, and think, differently. That’s why you’re here and why you’re still reading.
That’s why I’ve brought together many, powerful, inspiring voices to support you with your dreams to help you find your own north star again.
It’s exactly why I created Inspirational Creatives.
Inspirational Creatives
Inspirational Creatives is a listening experience that invites you to take your life and your business to the next level towards success, prosperity and fulfilment.
By listening to this series you’ll hear personally selected successful artists and creative entrepreneurs, from across the globe, share their stories and strategies to help you.
What if you don’t live creatively?
Truth is: we all do.
And the world is changing. Rapidly.
Creativity, today, isn’t just about making art, it’s about solving problems.
And every lifestyle, career and business today has problems.
By nature, our work, our passion projects, and our businesses, large and small, are an extension of the personalities that run them.
And the best advice I ever received was to choose the problems you enjoy solving.
Your thoughts, your ideas, your connections and how you take action is directly reflected in your success.
Inspirational Creatives gives you new strategies, ideas and connections to help you create the life you want.
By choosing Inspirational Creatives you are choosing to live a life rich full of passion, purpose and freedom.
It’s the best I can give you.
I hope you choose to listen.
Good luck and I look forward to the moment our paths cross.
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