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In this episode you’ll learn:
- The key(s) to succeeding with digital marketing
- How to avoid distraction, gain clarity and keep focussed
- How to help your audience avoid decision fatigue

What is the true reality of working for yourself?
Alison can tell you.
Digital marketing expert, Alison Boyle, began her own business journey juggling children with uncertainty during the launch of her first business.
She understands what’s at stake and what’s involved, when starting up under your own steam, pursuing a passion with purpose.
In this conversation, hear how Alison managed both life and a new business and what she had to let go of as part of her own evolution growing LA Marketing.
Hear about the traps many new business founders fall into.
And why starting out ‘organically’ can often be a great place to start and how ‘shiny object’ tactics will distract you.
You’ll also learn how to start succeeding with digital marketing today as Alison offers some core guiding principles to follow.
Listen to how you can make a business doing what you love, which people will want to buy from; one that is based upon a clear offer.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Meaningful marketing
[00:46] Introducing Alison Boyle.
[01:40] Where Alison’s passion for marketing stems from.
[03:21] Phil Pallen: creating the off-line experience, on-line.
[03:43] Tactics vs. Strategy.
[04:40] The importance of learning whom your audience is.
[05:19] Effective objectives. Job vs. creating a business.
Focus and outcomes
[07:32] How Alison helps her clients keep focussed.
[08:19] Having clarity around your offer.
[09:54] Alison describes her very first offer.
[11:43] Decision fatigue.
[13:05] Understanding value.
Starting out
[14:05] How Alison managed children and uncertainty starting out.
[16:44] Hitting a “ceiling” of revenue. Staff issues and increased costs.
[17:50] Ryan Dice and Ryan Levesque. Shiny objects.
[16:40] Benefits of working with coaches and mentors.
[20:31] What a mastermind group is.
[21:40] Alison shares a story of how someone rapidly grew their business.
Moving money and investing in yourself
[23:43] Steps to take to grow a business to £10k.
[24:40] The importance of cutting costs.
[26:00] Managing money more effectively.
[28:28] A trap many new business founders fall into.
Life changing
[32:21] Alison shares her own experience being coached and mentored.
[35:44] The change in Alison that her coach spotted.
[36:38] Changes to relationships. Letting go of friends.
[39:42] Alison’s best advice.
Getting Started
[41:15] Starting organically.
[41:50] When to start using paid advertising.
[42:11] The first micro-step to getting started.
[43:00] The key to being successful in digital marketing.
[44:00] What’s inspired Alison recently.
[45:50] What Alison is grateful for.
[46:52] What’s next for Alison.
[47:34] Where you can find out more about Alison and her work.
Links and Resources:
Quotes from this episode (click to tweet:):
- “Life is about enjoying the journey”
- “I needed a coach. I needed a mentor. I needed people to help me move the business move forward.”
- “The business will only ever grow to the size of the owner of the business”
- “The first thing I would address is your mindset”
- “Make it very easy for people to buy from you”
- “What is your offer that is going to solve their problem?”
- I’ve changed my path…I’ve surrounded myself with great people.”
- “My drive is to help younger people – and show them what’s possible”
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