Scroll down for detailed episode notes and quick access timings
In this episode you’ll learn:
- The four P’s that hold us back from joy
- Expanding possibilities in life
- The difference between happiness and joy

Yasmin Nguyen is a survivor.
In the seventies, his family survived the jungle and Vietnam eventually escaping to South Korea, France then America.
When the lease on his apartment expired recently, film-maker Yasmin chose to tour the country capturing moments of joy.
Having left the business world 20 years ago to become an entrepreneur, Yasmin shares what it means to share your story without being judged.
Hear how a moment of frustration and unexpected kindness shifted his trajectory.
And what it means to give ourselves permission to live a more joyful life.
Recorded live over a dinner table in Arizona.

Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[02:17] Yasmin shares his moving story escaping Vietnam in the seventies.
[06:22] South Korea, France and finally, America.
[09:00] Yasmin describes the difference between happiness and joy
[10:22] Giving ourselves permission to experience joy.
[10:36] The 4 P’s of experiencing joy.
[11:07] More about permission.
Planning for joy
[12:55] Creating space yet planning for joy.
[13:33] Overcompensating – trying to fit in.
[15:00] When Yasmin came up with the idea for his new project.
[16:56] Yasmin describes his body of work
[17:30] Hitting the road.
[18:00] Yasmin relates to his early life journey.
[19:30] Leaving the business world 20 years ago to become an entrepreneur.
Discovering peace
[20:15] Yasmin describes a turning point for him – when running 5 businesses at one time.
[22:00] Creating a new way of living: arriving at the coast having contemplated walking in front of a bus.
[23:35] Accruing days of joy: retirement day practice
[24:14] Overworked givers. Losing touch with what joy looks like.
[26:16] Guilt. Losing connection with self.
[27:30] What Yasmin hopes for with his new project.
[28:17] Planting seeds of hope.
Clarity and confidence
[29:20] Surviving school. Changing his name.
[30:17] Susan.
[32:30] Yasmin describes how his identify is evolving.
[33:27] Confidence.
[36:33] Non-judgement.
[38:27] Letting go and creating space.
Rest and reflection
[40:00] Visiting Palm Spring and Joshua Tree National Park.
[41:40] Joy missions: Yasmin’s intentions for his project. Sharing gratitude.
[42:25] Being intentional. Joy ambassadors. 3 different types of series.
[42:50] ‘Thanked’.
[43:40] ‘Joy rides with joy makers across America’.
[44:40] ‘Joy missions’.
Holding space and sharing truth
[45:45] Interviewing over 500 people.
[47:15] Creating connections. Creating relationships.
[48:18] What Yasmin has learned having captured conversations.
[48:50] Avoiding the term: ‘interview’.
[51:23] Yasmin describes how he is able to get into a deep conversation quickly.
The hero’s journey
[53:23] Joseph Campbell Hero’s Journey
[53:40] The Story Brand by Donald Miller.
[54:40] What has inspired Yasmin recently.
[57:05] How to get out of our own way receiving inspiration.
Magical moments of connection
[58:27] Yasmin shares a story from last Thanksgiving: ‘Gratitude Hacks’.
[61:07] What Yasmin is grateful for today.
[62:47] What Yasmin would say to his younger self.
[63:27] Where you can learn more about Yasmin and his project.
Links and Resources:
- Joyful Living Project
- Joyful Living Project on Instagram
- Joyful Living Project on Facebook
- Joyful Living Project on LinkedIn
Quotes from this episode (click to tweet:):
- “Give yourself another day”
- “We all aspire to have joy”
- “We are looking for others that are like us”
- “Inspiration comes for me in so many different way – the challenge for me is not getting in my own way – not noticing inspiration”
- “We are exactly who we are supposed to be – that is the miracle”
Books mentioned in this episode:
- The Story Brand by Donald Miller.
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