Scroll down for detailed episode notes and quick access timings
In this episode you’ll learn:
- How to stop getting sucked into daily tactics that aren’t working
- 2 powerful traits that give introverts super-powers
- How Cat’s new academy empowers Creative Introverts

We all have an introvert within us.
And introverts have super powers.
Yet introversion is not an excuse to not be both sociable and creative.
According to founder of the League of Creative Introverts community, Cat Rose Neligan it’s all about energy quotas, mindset and surrounding yourself with the right people.
In this chat, blogger and podcaster, Cat Rose, shares with us what it’s like to be an introvert in a seemingly extrovert world.
Soon to launch her new academy for creative and introvert oriented types, you’ll hear how Cat pushed herself out of her comfort zone with her “year of fun.”
Learn how energy quotas and the right people help you to become more super-human.
And why you don’t need to follow the crowd (particularly when it comes to creating the life and business or work that you want…)
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Deep connections
[01:23] Introducing Cat Rose from The Creative Introvert.
[02:10] Cat shares how she shows up in the world today.
[02:24] Challenges for creative introverts.
[03:53] Dispelling one of the big myths about being an introvert.
[05:00] Two traits you may not know about introverts.
[05:42] How Cat manages her introvert character.
[06:35] Moving to Brighton. Stretching comfort zones.
The League of Creative Introverts
[07:33] Not using being an introvert as an excuse.
[08:03] Cat shares her early experience in an office as a web designer.
[09:57] Quiet by Susan Cain.
[10:40] Creating The League of Creative Introverts.
[11:44] Creative processes and morning rituals.
[12:35] The morning pages from Julia Cameron’s book The Artists’s Way.
Morning routines, creative rituals, planning and playtime
[13:15] Yoga and meditation. Being a morning person.
[14:00] Pomodoro technique.
[15:09] Creative thinking and walking.
[16:40] An sneak peek into Cat’s Academy for Creative Introverts.
[20:05] How to stop getting sucked into daily tactics that don’t work.
[22:00] Enjoying the journey.
[23:54] A year of fun.
Making connections
[25:33] Cat describes some of the biggest challenges for introverts.
[26:26] How Cat made friends from scratch.
[28:09] When Cat created her own meet-up.
[29:34] Energy quotas.
[30:24] Comfort zones and patience.
[32:15] Imagining your ideal life.
Surviving as an independent freelancer and entrepreneur
[33:20] Charlie Gilkey.
[34:15] A big surprise for Cat.
[35:15] Playing to your strengths.
[37:10] Why Cat believes creativity is so important in the world today.
[38:50] What’s inspired Cat recently.
[39:48] What Cat is grateful for today.
[40:06] Where to connect with Cat.
Links and Resources:
- Creative Introverts Academy
- Creative Introverts [website]
- Cat’s year of fun
- Cat on Twitter
Books mentioned in this episode (click to tweet:):
- Quiet by Susan Cain
- The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Quotes from this episode (click to tweet:):
- “Change happens really slowly”
- “How will I feel after this thing?”
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- ICP 152 Big Ambitions and Realistic Expectations : Why One Person Is All You Need (with Steve Palfreyman)
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- Charlie Giilkey’s Creative Giants podcast
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