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In this episode you’ll learn:
- 2 powerfful tips on capturing inspiration in the moment
- What to do when inspiration turns up
- How to prepare your creative workspace

Have you ever had a ground-breaking idea whilst in the shower or whilst driving?
Only to forget your idea later…
In this short action episode, we explore two powerful tips that will help you to capture inspiration in the moment.
In episode 231, artist, entrepreneur and coach, Natalia Komis, revealed what it takes to find your truth and personal power using your creativity.
Hear how to capture inspiration, the moment it arrives, and how to give your creative ideas the space and time they deserve.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[00:41] Introducing this short action episode with Natalia Komis.
[01:08] What is takes to find your truth.
[01:38] Capturing inspiration the moment it arrives.
[02:06] Natalia shares her own creative process.
[03:15] Giving herself the time and focus her creative work deserves.
[03:39] What inspires Natalia’s creativity.
[04:38] Natalia’s first tip on capturing inspiration.
[06:14] Natalia’s second tip on capturing inspiration.
[06:37] Summarising Natalia’s tips and this short action episode.
Links and Resources:
If you enjoyed this podcast, you’ll also like:
- ICP 231 Activating Your Creative Truth with Natalia Komis
- Natalia Komis on The Wild Show podcast with Adelaide Goodeve
Thanks for listening
Good luck taking action today. Let me know how you get on!