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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How to develop a better perspecitve
- The benefits of switching off tech and social
- How to achieve more peace and less distraction

Some believe that we are more distracted than ever…
Our attention spans are shorter.
Our anxieties are greater.
But can you imagine a life without the technology we have today?
It wasn’t that long ago…
The 1980s:
It was a time of unique music, television shows, arcade games and the first mobile cell phones.
It was also a time of baggy clothes, fluorescent socks, and amazing hair.
Apparently the distractions were fewer and our attention spans were longer…
In those days mobile phones and the internet ‘everywhere’ didn’t exist.
Social media, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram weren’t on the horizon.
And that’s the point of this short episode of 30 days of daily inspiration:
To turn it off, let go, and live like it’s the 1980s.
It’s a challenge; you’re welcome to try it.
Not forever; just for a little bit.
According to adventure guide and explorer, Lauren Skonieczny, being outdoors and turning off modern daily distractions has given her more confidence and a better perspective.
Having left her career in television, today Lauren is happier and more resourceful.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[00:42] Introducing this episode: day 21 of 30 days of daily inspiration.
[01:05] Turn it off. To live like it’s the 1980s.
[02:20] Why do you use the electronics and smart devices that you use?
[03:00] Jeffrey Davis from Tracking Wonder in conversation with Charlie Gilkey.
[03:17] Being more mindful of what we use and how.
[03:50] The advice Lauren Skonieczny would give to her younger self.
[05:54] Summarising the benefits of going back in time.
If you enjoyed this podcast, you’ll also like:
- ICP 220 – 30 Days of Daily Inspiration – Day 20 – Surround Yourself With Positive People
- ICP 196 How To Change Your Life For The Better (with Lauren Skonieczny)
- ICP 210 – 30 Days of Daily Inspiration – Day 10 – Living By Letting Go
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