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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How to choose to be happy
- How in every situation we have two choices
- How gratitude journalling can increase your happiness

To celebrate 3 years and 200 episodes of Inspirational Creatives, each day for the next 30 days you’ll hear ideas, inspiration and wisdom that can help you to take your life and creativity to the next level.
In this short episode, we explore what it means to be happy.
It seems we can choose to be happy.
“Happiness is a state of inner fulfilment, not the gratification of inexhaustible desires for outward things” – Matthieu Ricard
According to many of those once in power, those in show business, and some of those who claim to be the most happiest people in the world: Being happy is an inner game.
Hear how keeping a simple gratitude journal can improve your happiness, too.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[00:41] Introducing this episode: day 12 of 30 days of daily inspiration.
[00:58] Choosing to be happy.
[01:20] Matthieu Ricard – the happiest man alive?
[01:50] Comedian and film star “Groucho” Marx.
[02:16] Martha Washington – First American First Lady.
[02:44] Happiness as a choice.
[04:23] Seeing people happier than they are. French writer, Montesquieu.
[05:00] Gratitude journalling: a positive way to start and end your day.
[06:33] What it feels like to be happy.
[07:07] Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, on being happy.
If you enjoyed this podcast, you’ll also like:
- ICP 211 – 30 Days of Daily Inspiration – Day 11 – Consume Wisely
- ICP 210 – 30 Days of Daily Inspiration – Day 10 – Living By Letting Go
- ICP 182 Create A Happier And More Peaceful Life In Less Than Ten Minutes
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