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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How to think like a business as a musician
- How Bree built her fanbase
- Where live performance fits into her strategy

Bree Noble gave up a corporate career as a director of finance to become a full-time musician.
Today she teaches aspiring musicians how to create a career doing something they love.
In this chat, Bree reveals why she believes many musicians struggle to make a living as a musician.
And the benefits of thinking like an entrepreneur as a musician.
Hear how Bree uses social media to engage with her audience.
And how social proof can help you to get more fans and gigs.
Bree also shares the ups and downs of her own story and how she has built her confidence, and audience through public speaking and Facebook live.
“You don’t need to wait for anyone – you need to take control of your own career” – Bree Noble
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[00:41] Introducing Bree Noble.
[01:16] How Bree sees herself in the world today.
[02:20] How Bree got started in music.
[04:00] How Bree ended up with a corporate career.
[05:53] Thinking strategically and building her fanbase.
[06:15] The importance of follow-up.
[07:15] Waiting around and not showing up.
[07:26] Where live performance fitted into Bree’s strategy.
[09:54] Why Bree believe many musicians struggle to make a living as a musician.
[11:00] How Bree inspires her audience to hire her.
[11:53] How house concerts have helped Bree to build her audience.
[14:30] The importance of keeping in the mind of your audience.
Facebook live
[15:04] How Bree uses social media and Facebook Live to engage with her audience.
[16:50] Why it’s important to ask fans to share your work.
[17:10] How to get started using Facebook live.
[18:48] The importance of consistency.
Female entrepreneur musician
[20:43] The benefits of thinking like an entrepreneur as a musician.
[22:37] Bree offers ideas for those time constrained.
[23:51] Creating something on the side that becomes self-sustaining.
[25:30] Why Bree left her corporate job.
[28:05] Having time to think. Strategically making the switch.
Sharing stories
[29:15] Bree shares her first public speaking opportunity.
[31:29] Sharing her vulnerabilities and challenges online and in person.
[32:10] Sharing stories with a positive spin and building confidence.
[33:16] How and why Bree started her podcast: Female Entrepreneur Musician.
[35:56] The importance of taking your career into your own hands.
[37:12] What Bree has learned having created a podcast.
Freedom and flexibility
[39:32] How Bree’s lifestyle has changed since leaving her corporate career.
[40:30] What advice Bree would give to her younger self.
[41:15] How to find your people.
[42:46] What Bree is grateful for today.
[43:36] Win Wednesdays and Milestone Mondays.
[44:14] What has inspired Bree recently and what’s next for her.
[45:43] Where you can learn more about Bree and her work.
Links and Resources:
Quotes from this episode (click to tweet:):
- “You never know who you know”
- “I always try to put a positive spin on every thing that I talk about in my life that has been a struggle”
- “You just need to find who your people are…”
- “When you put your stuff out in to the world…those things live forever and continue to help people”
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