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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How to enjoy the world as a giant piece of art
- Where to seek creative inspiration from
- How envy can serve you positively
- How Ilyana develops opportunities as a professional artist

Ilyana Kadshuin creates positive change in the world through her voice and through her art.
As a voice-over artist, performer and coach, she is somebody who not only educates and entertains people, but as an activist, connects people together whilst helping them to find meaningful connection.
In this conversation, filled with timeless wisdom and inspiration, Ilyana describes how she enjoys helping others to express their ideas whilst living her own truth.
Having found her own voice at an early age, hear how she has created and developed professional opportunities using her abilities and talents.
You’ll learn how Ilyana has been able to overcome both internal and external resistance, and how, as an artist, she has faced her biggest fears and challenges through living creatively.
“There’s only one way to really build character which is to go out and live” – Ilyana Kadushin
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Cultivating curiosity
[00:42] Introducing Ilyana Kadushin.
[01:30] How Ilyana shows up in the world as an artist.
[02:29] Describing her childhood growing up in Maryland and visits to the Soviet Union.
[04:49] Ilyana talks about how she nurtures and explores her own curiosity.
[06:19] How Ilyana identified her own early talents and abilities.
“You may or may not notice your own enthusiasm for something” – Ilyana Kadushin
Living your truth
[09:37] How we are all different and the same.
[11:38] What Ilyana did to turn her voice talents into a career.
[13:20] Teaching and public speaking.
[13:46] How much support Ilyana received for art school.
[15:40] What resistance Ilyana faced.
Harnessing your own energy
[17:18] How martial arts has helped her as an artist.
[19:14] What motivates Ilyana.
[19:55] Ilyana talks about her art and being an activist.
[22:29] How Ilyana gets into the zone. Zoning in vs. zoning out.
[23:45] Where Ilyana attains her artistic inspiration.
How discipline, fear and envy can serve you
[25:13] The importance of practice and discipline.
[27:11] How Ilyana remains disciplined and focused.
[28:28] The importance of how you start your day.
[30:00] How Ilyana develops opportunities as a professional artist.
[31:50] How envy can serve you positively.
“In reality our greatest challenge is the resistance we have in ourself”- Ilyana Kadushin
Finding out who you really are
[32:55] A common fear amongst aspiring professional artists.
[33:58] How to overcome certain fears and limiting beliefs.
[35:46] Ilyana describes her lifestyle as an artist today.
[36:30] How Ilyana works with others to find their voice.
[38:20] Serving those losing their memory and with Alzheimers.
“I have this relentless need to make things better in the world”- Ilyana Kadushin
Living a truly successful creative life
[40:15] Ilyana describes her podcast, Know I know.
[42:15] What advice Ilyana would give to her younger self.
[43:30] How gratitude can serve you positively.
[44:00] What Ilyana is grateful for today.
[44:54] What has inspired Ilyana recently and what success means to her.
[47:18] What’s next for Ilyana and where you can connect with her.
Links and Resources:
- Ilyana’s performer website
- Ilyana’s coaching website
- No, I know podcast
- Lythion Music
- Ilyana’s activist projects
Other quotes from this episode (click to tweet:)
- “Some of my professors at NYU would say that acting is psychology turned into behaviour”
- “To be an artist you have to be incredibly disciplined”
- “Sometimes we have to start and then the inspiration follows”
- “If you don’t believe it should be monetized you won’t”
- “How do you know what you can do if you don’t dip a toe in?”
- “Talking out loud holds a great amount of power”
- “When we’re zoned out – it takes our energy away”
- “I was motivated by that ability to harness my own energy”
- “What’s going to work for me to cultivate some more discipline?”
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