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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How Amanda and her family began living semi-nomadically
- What Amanda’s children feel about their semi-nomadic lifestyle
- How Amanda keeps writing and avoids distraction when in new countries

Amanda Turner is a writer, a mum, an author and a part-time digital nomad.
Despite many close calls with publishing houses, today she is a New York Times bestselling author.
All she needs is a pen and paper (or a laptop and an internet connection) and an inspiring place to live.
Having written a number of books that have received acclaim, Amanda is the author of a series of books called Vagabonding with kids, having developed a life living part-time on the road.
When not at their home base in Idaho, she works whilst living across the globe with her husband and two children.
In this episode, part one of our two-part chat, Amanda reveals the reality of writing multiple books whilst visiting many countries and how she remains focussed when there’s so much to do and see.
Hear how her young children receive education and how travel has affected their characters and personalities.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Living a semi-nomadic lifestyle
[00:42] Introducing author, Amanda Turner.
[01:31] Amanda describes how she is a full-time writer and part-time digital nomad.
[04:06] How Amanda avoid distraction when visiting new countries.
[06:49] What Amanda’s children feel about their semi-nomadic lifestyle.
[07:31] What their first trip, to Mexico, was like.
[08:43] Amanda describes some of the successes of their first trip.
[10:04] How Amanda and her family began living semi-nomadically.
[11:48] How Amanda identifies where to go next.
[12:40] Never experiencing snow.
“You don’t have to sell your house and all your possessions” – Amanda Turner
[13:26] Perspective on safety and security.
[14:44] Logistics.
[15:28] Other fears and concerns.
[16:00] Opening up possibilities.
[16:32] Fear of change.
“It can be on whatever scale is comfortable for you” – Amanda Turner
New possibilities
[17:10] A shift in mindset due to technology.
[18:18] Benefits of travel for kids.
[19:24] How her children maintain relationships with friends at home.
[21:25] Amanda talks about her eldest daughter.
“Our children – don’t think that anything is impossible” – Amanda Turner
Home exchange
[21:58] The reality of a home exchange experience.
[23:32] How and when Amanda decides to go next.
[25:14] Amanda shares some of their more ambitious experiences.
[26:05] Tasmania and Alaska.
[27:40] Her family living in a camper van.
Fear of missing out
[28:07] Travel highlights including South America.
[30:00] What you’re missing out on and further ideas to get started.
[32:29] Part two preview.
Links and Resources:
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