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ICP 158 Three Ways To Boost Your Inner Confidence with Matt Peet


(Less than 9 minutes)

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In this episode you’ll learn:

  • 3 ways to boost your own confidence in less 9 minutes
  • How Matt’s confidence is noticed by others
  • How learning from the best can help you
Matt Peet quote you feel more confident whenever youre active

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Matt Peet is a full-time podcaster, photographer and videographer.

He believes the success his photography business is directly proportional to his confidence.

When it comes to selling, marketing and promoting our creative work – Matt proves – confidence is everything.

In episode 157, Matt shared how he has successful grown a successful photography business by developing his own confidence.

In this short action episode, Matt shares three ways that you can apply, right now, to boost your own confidence in a variety of situations.

Click here to download your free scribble-sheet for this episode.

Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):

[00:50] Introducing this short action episode on boosting your confidence.

[01:45] Matt’s first tip on how he improves his own confidence.

[02:50] How Matt’s confidence is noticed by others.

[03:34] Matt’s next tip on improving confidence.

[04:31] How learning from the best can help you to improve your confidence.

[06:16] Reflecting on Matt’s three tips about confidence.

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Good luck taking action today. Let me know how you get on!