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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How Nathan has made Foundrmag a success
- The turning point for Nathan and what this taught him
- How you can begin to emulate his success
In episode 153, successful entrepreneur, Nathan Chan revealed the secret sauce to success with his online magazine, Foundrmag.
Foundr magazine is designed to help entrepreneurs and startups break from the daily grind.
The turning point for Nathan was being able to feature Sir Richard Branson on the front cover earning early trust and credibility in his niche.
In this short action episode, I want to share with you the four little-known secrets to how he’s growing his reach and influence today.
If you’d like a worksheet to help you construct your own ideas as we move through these actionable tips click here.

To hear the full interview chat with Nathan click here.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[00:49] Introducing this short action episode with Nathan Chan.
[01:20] The four secrets
[01:47] The turning point for Nathan and Foundrmag.
[02:49] The first secret to Foundrmag’s success.
[03:31] The importance of design (second secret.)
[04:25] The third secret to Foundrmag’s success.
[05:31] Oprah’s success secret.
[06:44] The fourth and final secret to Foundrmag’s success.
[07:54] Nathan summarises the four secrets to Foundrmag’s success.
Links and Resources:
If you enjoyed this podcast, you’ll also like:
- Nathan Chan (full interview – ICP 153)
- Mark Asquith on Quitting, Chasing Freedom and Finding Fulfilment
- Chris Brogan on Owning The Game You Want To Win
- Amy Schmittauer on How To Thrill People With Your Own Savvy Sexy Social Media
- Phil Pallen on Creating a Powerful Brand
- Jeff Goldenberg on The Reality of Entrepreneurship
Special thanks to previous guest and listener, Jan Murray, for the introduction to Nathan.
You can hear Jan’s interview with Nathan here (highly recommended.)
Thanks for listening
Good luck taking action today. Let me know how you get on!