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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How Steve created an online virtual summit for musicians
- The importance of empathy as an artist
- How to learn from difficult times to move forward
- Why it’s not always about the end results

Who doesn’t love music?
I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t love music (yet.)
Neither has today’s podcast guest.
Previous guest, musician and entrepreneur, Steve Palfreyman, has fallen in love with audience again.
He’s back on the Inspirational Creatives podcast today talking about his new virtual summit for musicians.
But you don’t need to be a musician to appreciate this interview.
We talk about what it takes to create great value for your community as well as some of the challenges and benefits that come with doing so.
You see, Steve can’t imagine a life without music.
Music has helped him with adversity, pain, shyness and his own mother’s depression.
So it may be no surprise he’s attracted and built a community of, and for, musicians to help them with their own creative aims and success.
He’s found some of the very best experts in the music industry and he’s sharing their wisdom for free – for anyone who wants to learn.
Whilst many of us may have heard of an online virtual summit, we’re not always clear on what they are and how they can serve a community.
And he’s not doing this alone; he’s involving his community.
They are exploring their creative processes together.
In this episode we talk about the mindset behind creating a summit and what inspired Steve to serve his audience in this way.
We also talk about what music means to him and the importance of empathy in his most open interview yet.
Hear why Steve believe artists are incredibly empathetic people and how they can use this to their advantage.
You’ll also learn why Steve wishes he had started creating this summit one year ago, and why you need to get started on your big ideas now.
Learn from your successes, learn from your failures, learn from Steve.
Learn to fall in love with your audience and community again.
“The world can open up to you if you put in effort” – Steve Palfreyman
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[00:40] Welcome back Steve Palfreyman from episode 077.
[03:12] Why Steve considers himself as a musician first and foremost.
[05:00] What music means to Steve.
[05:50] Steve talks about being a shy kid.
[07:45] Wanting to be part of something successful.
Marketing, empathy and adversity
[08:38] Giving more and getting interested in marketing.
[09:42] How Steve’s journey led to creating an online virtual summit for musicians.
[12:45] Steve talks about artists being empathetic.
[13:52] Steve’s parents.
[14:52] Why Steve doesn’t listen to lyrics.
[15:31] How Steve’s mother’s depression affected him.
[17:05] How music has helped Steve through adversity.
Creating a virtual summit for musicians
[20:02] What inspired Steve to create an online virtual summit for his audience.
[21:50] Asking meaningful questions.
[24:00] What has kept Steve motivated whilst creating his summit for musicians.
“Take the moment and do the difficult reflection…” – Steve Palfreyman
Building a community for musicians
[24:47] Steve talks about falling in love with audience again.
[27:07] Early feedback.
[29:00] Tough challenges and making early decisions.
[31:00] Why Steve wishes he had started one year earlier.
[31:50] Exploring the creative process together.
“If you’re touching one person’s life – you’re making a difference” – Steve Palfreyman
Virtual summits
[33:34] What an online virtual summit is and what to expect.
[35:40] Learning more about his audience.
[37:30] Being a facilitator, positing yourself as an expert.
[41:00] What Steve has learned from creating his summit.
[43:38] Steve talks about some of the challenges and building momentum.
“Just assume there is no outcome and get started anyway” – Steve Palfreyman
[45:30] Which interviews have inspired Steve personally.
[47:30] Graham Cochrane from Music Recording Revolution.
[48:19] Ariel Hyatt on Crowdfunding.
[49:00] How, when and where to find Steve’s virtual summit for musicians.
Links and Resources:
If you enjoyed this podcast, you’ll also like:
- ICP 100 My Five Biggest Lessons from 100 Podcast Episodes
- ICP 077 Steve Palfreyman on Music, Money and Marketing
- ICP 015 Ariel Hyatt on Social Media and Publicity in Music
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