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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How Sam felt after he quit his job to travel
- The importance of saying no to create the life you want
- Why it’s important that you generate your own wealth

In this episode, Pete and Sam Billingham reveal the stuff memories are made of.
Pete, Sam’s father, is going digital with death.
Sam has just returned from a global adventure.
Having walked the Camino and cycled California, what have they learned from each other?
You’ll hear about what it takes to create the life you want and the joy of having no expectations.
Learn why it’s important to generate your own wealth and the cost of comfort and the decisions you make.
Listen to how Pete and Sam have created their own lives full of carefully considered risk and everyday gratitude.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
A chip of the old block
[00:42] Introducing Sam and Pete Billingham.
[02:01] How Sam found Yestival.
[03:30] How Pete found New Media Europe.
[04:27] Pete describes his new venture, Death Goes Digital, and The Artful Speaker.
[06:50] Sam shares his Yestival experience and travel adventures since then.
[08:26] How Pete felt about Sam giving up his full-time job to go traveling.
“You’ve got to be able to not worry what people think” – Sam Billingham
The stuff memories are made of
[10:04] Where Sam got his sense of risk and adventure from.
[12:53] The importance of saying no. How Sam planned his strategy.
[14:10] What was going through Sam’s mind after he quit his job.
[15:33] What Pete is learning from Sam.
Taking risks
[16:57] Pete shares his thoughts about the importance of lifestyle.
[18:42] Why it’s important that you a responsible for your own wealth generation.
[20:25] Pete talks about comfort the cost of the decisions you make.
[21:44] The reality of creating the life you want.
“You can create a life around anything you want” – Sam Billingham
Rewriting the story of your life
[25:00] Pete shares a moving story about how life is short.
[26:28] A book by Donald Miller, A Million Miles and A Thousand Years.
[28:41] Sam talks about freedom and his recent trip around California.
[30:53] Having a long-term mindset, high expectations and feeling contentment.
“Nobody’s going to really understand what you have gone through” – Sam Billingham
Living a life well lived
[33:06] Sam mentions Tom Allen.
[35:56] Sam reveals news about the video series from his recent travels.
[37:07] Being real on camera.
[38:55] Preparing children for adulthood. What Pete has gained from Sam’s adventures.
[39:50] Walking across the Camino.
“You should really really push to make the most of any situation” – Sam Billingham
A life of grace and gratitude
[41:41] What Death Goes Digital is teaching Pete about life today.
[44:36] What it means to Sam to live a life of grace.
[46:14] An important lesson Pete has taught Sam about life’s eventualities.
[48:56] Pete mentions Gratitude HD by Moving Art.
[50:17] What has inspired Sam recently.
Links and Resources:
- Sam Billingham on YouTube
- Gratitude HD – Moving Art
- Dying Matters
- Death Goes Digital
- Pete’s blog post Why I Travelled 7182 Miles To Cook A Burger
- Sam’s website – Better Than Good
Books mentioned in this episode:
Other quotes from this episode (click to tweet:)
- “It’s a bit like Monopoly…when you die it all goes back in the box anyway” – Pete Billingham
- “The memories and the experiences…last forever” – Pete Billingham
- “I’ve always had high expectations of myself” – Sam Billingham
- “I try not to take things for granted” – Sam Billingham
- “We’ve probably lost a bit of how families tell stories” – Pete Billingham
- “Share the stories of your life” – Pete Billingham
- “Today I want to make the most of this day” – Pete Billingham
- “Gratitude is something that is in our family” – Pete Billingham
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