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In this episode you’ll learn:
- What advice Chris would give to his younger self
- Where it all began for Chris
- Why creative entrepreneurs get stuck
- How to build a business around your brand

Virtual CEO, serial entrepreneur, and author of the book,Virtual Freedom, Chris Ducker, shares his inspirational story of how he burned out, and bounced back, before it was too late.
Find out why Chris is so passionate about relationships and what Chris’ mum taught him about tough love.
Chris shares how he overcame working 16-hour days, six days per week and how he has since created brands, including his latest, a global community to support solo entrepreneurs, Youpreneur.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Virtual freedom
[0:00:41] Introducing Chris Ducker
[0:01:22] Who Chris serves and how.
[0:02:20] The reality of entrepreneurship.
[0:02:50] Making a boatload of mistakes.
[0:03:39] Where it all began for Chris.
Sales, marketing and selling out
[0:05:03] Why creative people get stuck with sales and marketing.
[0:05:54] Selling out.
[0:06:05] Chris shares a story about his son’s personal fitness business.
[0:07:40] What Chris did to help his son move forward.
[0:08:00] How watching other people can be the best way to master something.
Burnout and Chris’ secret sauce to success
[0:09:38] Chris’ secret sauce.
[0:11:18] Building a team of 450 full-time employees and creating multi-7-figure revenue.
[0:12:12] Burning out and hitting a brick wall.
[0:13:13] Hiring eight people to replace himself. How Chris ended up burning out.
[0:14:21] What advice Chris would give to his younger self.
[0:14:54] Chris’ Mum’s advice.
The 3 lists to freedom
[0:16:00] Creating a virtual brain-dump.
[0:17:45] The challenge of the third list.
[0:18:12] How Chris came up with Youpreneur.
[0:19:50] The two things that inspired Yourpreneur.
[0:20:50] Building a business around your brand.
[0:21:22] How Chris picked up on the loneliness in his community.
Relationships are everything
[0:21:38] Why Chris is so passionate about relationships.
[0:23:00] What has inspired Chris recently.
[0:24:21] Yourpreneur events.
[0:25:40] What Chris is excited about.
Links and Resources:
Chris Ducker quotes:
(Click to Tweet)
“One of the best ways to become a public speaker is to sit and watch other public speakers”
“Nine times out of ten there are people out there that can do things better than you”
“If you want to build and grow something you’re going to have to learn how to sell”
“Relationships are the single most important factor of any business”
“I noticed that we were fundamentally solving entrepreneurial loneliness”
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