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In this episode you’ll learn:
- The one thing very successful people don’t do
- How to lead for inspiration and motivation
- The two big things successful people complain about
- How to build trust with your audience, community and those that work for you
- The three things any leader can do to improve engagement

How do you invest the 1440 minutes you have in a day?
Kevin Kruse can help you to become more productive and prosperous whilst less overworked and overwhelmed as a creative.
Having interviewed bilionnaires, multimillionaires, olympic athletes and successful creative entrepreneurs for his new book, 15 secrets successful people know about time management, Kevin shares, in this episode, the habits and ideas which will help you to boost your daily productivity.
Learn why you might want to do away with traditional to-do lists and what to do instead. You’ll also hear who the most important person highly successful people schedule time with.
Kevin is a New York Times best-selling author and recognised as a Top 100 business thought leader in America.
“It’s about having more energy and focus with the time that we do have” – Kevin Kruse
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[0:00:52] Introducing Kevin Kruse.
[0:01:27] Kevin talks about being a reformed entrepreneur and a writer.
[0:01:54] Who Kevin’s new book is for.
[0:02:33] What seven billionaires and Marc Cuban revealed to Kevin.
[0:03:39] Facebook and Asana founder, Dustin Moskovitz.
[0:04:22] The one thing very successful people don’t do.
[0:04:44] What ‘real work’ means to Kevin.
Rituals and Habits
[0:05:56] What really surprised Kevin whilst researching the book.
[0:07:02] Another specific surprise.
[0:08:05] Where ultra-successful people work from.
[0:08:28] The Zeigarnick effect.
[0:09:41] The two big things successful people complain about.
“You don’t have to be overworked and overwhelmed” – Kevin Kruse
Schedule everything
[0:11:47] Why highly successful people calendar everything.
[0:12:25] Mohammad Dewji: youngest billionaire in Africa.
[0:13:05] How the CEO of LinkedIn schedules his time.
[0:13:54] The most important person highly successful people schedule time with.
[0:14:42] Why most employees are not engaged in their work.
[0:15:45] Research from ten million workers in 150 countries.
[0:16:23] How working for the right kind of leader can lead to greater inspiration and motivation.
“You can look at my calendar and see what my values are” – Kevin Kruse
How work can kill you
[0:17:12] The best compliment Kevin ever got.
[0:18:45] The health impact of people who are disengaged at work.
[0:19:14] What can be done to improve the well-being of those in the work place.
[0:19:30] The three things any creative business leader can do to improve employee engagement.
[0:21:46] How to build trust with your audience, community or your employees.
Save 8 hours a week
[0:23:18] The Havard Business Review that demonstrated how people could save 8 hours a week.
[0:25:10] How Kevin can write a book in half the time.
[0:26:30] The three breakthroughs Kevin has had as a writer.
[0:27:33] Dragon dictation software.
[0:27:44] Transcription services e.g.
[0:29:00] Kevin’s fiction writing.
Building a personal system for productivity
[0:29:50] How to create more focus and productivity with Kevin’s E3C system.
[0:30:45] Jam sessions.
[0:32:21] Where you can get a free copy of Kevin’s book.
Links and Resources:
- Kevin’s book 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management (free for listeners)
- Dragon speech recognition software (non-affiliate link)
- audio transcription service (non-affiliate link)
- Marc Cuban’s 12 Rules for Startups
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