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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How to build stronger connections
- Why your website and email list are vitally important
- The biggest challenge for Steve’s music clients

Steve Palfreyman coaches creatives.
As a Australian musician, digital marketeer and social media strategist, today Steve calls himself an Artistpreneur.
In this episode, Steve shares what he knows about growing a following.
Learn why creative types get distracted and why they often avoid the subject of making money.
Sharing his own story, from a shy youngster to collaborative musician, Steve reveals how being in a band makes him feel.
Find out why Steve chose music in the first place (his story involves avoiding horse riding) and what creativity means to him.
Steve also reveals what he believes is the most important aspect of developing an on-line community today.
“Being perfect at something straight away isn’t the point of being creative” – Steve Palfreyman
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Creative beginnings
[0:01:05] Introducing Steve Palfreyman.
[0:01:49] How Steve got into coaching artists. Some of their challenges.
[0:03:16] Steve describes his childhood and why he was terrified of interaction.
[0:03:46] What creativity means to Steve.
Finding somewhere to belong
[0:05:33] How joining a band changed the quality of Steve’s life.
[0:08:00] Vulnerability. Barriers to break down.
[0:08:40] How a motivational speaker at Steve’s school inspired him.
An entrepreneurial evolution
[0:09:31] Tim Ferriss’s book The 4-hour Workweek.
[0:10:10] How long Steve has been coaching and what he did before that.
[0:11:28] The industry. Dabbling. Testing. Earning a degree in music business.
[0:12:52] Approaching every project as though it’s your life’s work.
[0:13:10] The advantage creative people have in today’s world.
Deep exploration and belonging
[0:14:00] What keeps Steve motivated.
[0:14:33] The biggest challenge for Steve’s creative clients.
[0:15:34] How building an audience or community first can solve many problems.
[0:16:08] How Steve helps his clients build an audience.
[0:17:15] Why the conversation is about them and not you.
[0:17:20] What makes you stand out.
Connecting the dots
[0:18:38] How to master social media from the start. Testing.
[0:20:15] Where Steve started. Trying things over time.
[0:21:30] What Steve’s measure for success is. The disappearance of MySpace.
[0:22:00] Why it’s important for people to hang out on your website and email list.
[0:23:25] New social media apps. Periscope. Quality of content.
[0:24:40] The rise of anonymous social networks
“It’s really easy to look at the wrong numbers” – Steve Palfreyman
Building relationships
[0:25:00] Why building an email list is important to Steve.
[0:26:00] Building strong connections.
[0:26:30] Why you need a killer website incentive.
[0:28:52] The people who are going to stand out and stand the test of time.
“It takes a long time to build a relationship” – Steve Palfreyman
Fear and the art of discovery
[0:29:41] What excites Steve about the future of creative entrepreneurship.
[0:31:15] What projects Steve is working on right now for musicians and creative entrepreneurs.
[0:32:20] Who has inspired Steve recently and why.
[0:33:00] Why Steve feels lucky today.
Links and resources mentioned in this episode
- Steve’s website
- Steve on Twitter
- Tim Ferriss book The 4-hour work week (UK)*
- Tim Ferriss book The 4-hour Workweek (US)*
- Ryan Lee – The Freedym Show podcast
- New Media Europe 2015
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*Inspirational Creatives may be compensated, at zero cost to you, if you choose to buy Tim’s book. We love his book! Thank you for your support.