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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How anyone can learn anything
- Why finding talented people is challenging
- What Mattan uses to continually improve himself

Mattan Griffel is one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 to watch in Education in 2015.
As the Co-Founder & CEO of Y Combinator-backed One Month, the first-ever online school for accelerated learning, Mattan believes the way we educate ourselves and our world has to change.
In this episode, you’ll find out why.
Mattan also reveals how One Month got started and why your personal development ought to share a relationship with your gym membership.
Sharing the reality and challenges of being a start-up CEO, Mattan reveals why he’s so excited to be teaching 25,000 people across the globe.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Introducing One Month
[0:00:42] Introducing Mattan Griffel.
[0:01:26] What One Month does. Mattan’s role.
[0:03:50] Skill Share.
[0:04:38] Why finding talented people is challenging.
[0:07:25] What type of people are attracted to One Month.
[0:08:25] How Mattan and One Month decide what topics to teach.
[0:10:22] Code Academy.
“We allow our education system to dictate poor life choices to students” – Mattan Griffel
Life-long learning
[0:11:09] The challenges with our current education systems.
[0:11:54] Michel Thomas.
[0:12:34] How One Month delivers educational content.
[0:14:33] The film, The Matrix. Using the power of the internet.
[0:15:42] How One Month measures student progress.
[0:16:57] Finding students.
Magic sauce
[0:17:24] Y-combinator. Funding start-ups.
[0:19:30] General Assembly. How One Month began.
[0:22:40] Mattan’s father.
[0:23:50] When Mattan started programming.
[0:24:52] The significance of being recognised by
[0:25:42] Fixed versus growth mindset.
[0:27:07] What Mattan finds challenging.
[0:29:00] What excites Mattan about what he does.
[0:29:19] Accomable.
[0:31:17] What Mattan does to continually improve himself.
[0:31:30] Books Mattan is reading.
[0:36:23] What’s inspired Mattan in the last 7 days.
[0:34:06] How Mattan deals with stress.
[0:35:05] The future of One Month.
“You can’t change the world, in the way you want to, on your own” – Mattan Griffel
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
- Mattan Griffel
- One Month
- Accomable
- Carol Dweck’s TED talk
- Sam Altman – How To Start a Start-up (video)
- Michel Thomas
- Code Academy
Books mentioned in this episode*:
- Carol Dweck’s book – Mindset
- Tim Ferriss book – 4-Hour Work Week
- Tim Ferriss book – 4-Hour Chef
- Ben Horowitz’s book – The Hard Thing About Hard Things
- L. David Marquet’s book – Turn The Ship Around!
- Andy Grove’s book – High-Output Management
- Kerry Patterson’s book – Crucial Conversations
If you enjoyed this podcast, you’ll also like:
- Episode 59 – Alive in Berlin 2015 Review (Mattan Skydive)
- Episode 21 – Sarah Kathleen Peck interview
- Espree Devora on Relocating to Succeed with a Start-up
- Charlie Gilkey on Delivering Epic Experiences with Creative Giants
- Anything is Possible with Michael Gebben
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