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In this episode you’ll learn:
- Simple tips for living a creative life with less
- Why simplicity could be the key to your creative success
- How it feels to give away your wardrobe
- How living more simply has changed Courtney’s relationships

Simplicity expert, Courtney Carver, is the creator of the simplicity blog,, and minimalist fashion Project 333.
Less than ten years ago, Courtney was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS.)
In this episode, Courtney reveals how her diagnosis changed her life and why simplicity could be the secret sauce to your success.
Having left a successful career in advertising, Courtney’s family has since downsized from a 2,000 sq. ft. to a 750 sq. ft. home to live life with less.
You’ll learn how to start leading a life with less, and how creating a morning routine can powerfully impact both your productivity and your creativity.
Courtney shares what she would have done differently if she could go back in time.
Also, how a life with simplicity has given her deeper, and more meaningful, relationships.
“For me it was about getting simple…it was about eliminating stress” – Courtney Carver
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Living with multiple sclerosis and less
[0:00:42] Introducing Courtney Carver. Thanks to Melinda!
[0:02:30] How simplicity has changed Courtney’s life. Leaving a successful career in advertising.
[0:05:36] Courtney shares the reality of being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
[0:07:28] Courtney describes multiple sclerosis or MS.
“How am I going to live well with this disease?” – Courtney Carver
Making ends meet
[0:10:25] Why Courtney was never satisfied with her previous careers.
[0:12:15] What happened when her family downsized their home.
[0:14:00] When Courtney came up with the idea of
[0:14:57] Why creative entrepreneurs get overwhelmed.
[0:16:00] How Courtney manages overwhelm and new ideas.
“Instead of making ends meet…how could I have fewer ends?” – Courtney Carver
Scheduling something fun
[0:16:30] How experimenting with schedules can help.
[0:17:52] Why Courtney’s morning routine has changed over time.
[0:18:48] Courtney describes a typical morning routine and why it is so powerful.
[0:21:30] Why it’s hard to say no to new opportunities.
[0:22:18] How Courtney decides what to work on at any one time.
[0:23:30] What Courtney would have done differently if she could go back in time.
[0:24:08] How to start leading a simple life.
[0:24:54] How a simplicity mindset has changed entrepreneurship.
[0:26:38] Courtney describes a training course idea that didn’t work for her.
[0:27:11] Finding it easier to let go.
Spending money, guilt, and letting go of gifts
[0:28:02] How a life of simplicity has changed Courtney’s relationships.
[0:29:09] Project 333. Minimalist fashion.
[0:31:00] What happened when Courtney emptied her wardrobe.
[0:32:07] Letting go of gifts.
“I couldn’t get a handle on my closet…I always had an excuse to buy something new” – Courtney Carver
Simplicity could be the secret sauce to your success
[0:33:39] How simplicity has impacted Courtney’s creativity.
[0:34:25] How Courtney defines success today.
[0:35:17] What has inspired Courtney most recently.
[0:36:26] Living in Salt Lake City.
[0:37:00] What Courtney is grateful for today.
[0:37:35] Where you can find out more about Courtney and her work.
“I’m healthier now than I was before I was diagnosed” – Courtney Carver
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
- Courtney’s blog –
- Project 333 – Simple is the new black
- Multiple Sclerosis Society (UK)
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- Sacrifice, Sailing into the Sunset and Living on the Edge (with Emily Penn)
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