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In this episode you’ll learn:
- Why you might want to start a podcast
- The challenges of outsourcing your creative work
- The 3 tools Mike uses to keep focussed and motivated
- Why Mike is excited about the future of podcasting

In this episode, Music Radio Creative host and founder, Mike Russell, shares his top tips for getting started with a podcast and how to delegate and outsource your creative work.
With a background in hospital radio, Mike shares how he became a podcaster whilst revealing the reality of podcasting and how he juggles his home and work life today.
Mike is the co-founder of the UK podcasters community as well as the host and founder of the New Media Europe event, 2015.
New Media Europe is a unique event, held in Manchester, England, featuring respected speakers, aimed at podcasters, bloggers and those interested in social media.
Mike reveals how he is growing his media production portfolio whilst developing these events to inspire a growing community of like-minded creative people.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
The reality of podcasting
[0:00:52] Introducing Mike Russell.
[0:01:38] Mike describes his role with UK podcasters, New Media Europe and as Creative Director for the Music Radio Creative podcast.
[0:02:36] What radio imaging is.
[0:03:18] How Mike got into podcasting.
[0:05:04] Dave Jackson the podcast coach. Jon Osborne.
[0:05:27] The reality of podcasting highlighting advantages over radio.
[0:07:10] Finding the balance between work and home life.
[0:08:20] The creative challenges of podcasting.
[0:09:10] How Mike and Izabela share tasks.
[0:10:20] Adobe Creative Cloud. Photoshop.
[0:11:20] Mike does his own editing although his podcast is now outsourced.
[0:11:42] The challenges of outsourcing.
[0:12:29] How to spot great talent.
“It’s difficult to find really good people…” – Mike Russell
Starting a podcast
[0:15:50] Mike’s best advice if you want to start your own podcast.
[0:16:15] Rob and Mike discuss microphones you could start with.
[0:16:50] Heil PR-40 microphone. Samson Q2U. Audio Technica ATR-2100.
New Media Europe 2015
[0:18:35] UK Podcasters 2014. Power talks in London.
[0:21:27] What the New Media Europe 2015 event in Manchester, UK, is offering.
[0:22:32] Cliff Ravenscraft. Chris Ducker. Natalie Sisson. Johnathan Tilley. Colin Gray. David Shaw. Michal Szafranski.
Passion, ideas and motivation
[0:24:30] The work Mike is most passionate about.
[0:25:41] What Mike does to keep motivated. How Mike keeps track of his ideas.
[0:26:30] The importance of taking action quickly. Developing a domain name portfolio. WordPress. Leadpages.
[0:27:38] The 3 tools that help Mike to keep focussed.
[0:29:45] Will podcasting take over radio? Why Mike is excited about the future of podcasting. NAB.
[0:30:54] Mike’s biggest breakthrough in his journey as a podcaster.
[0:31:48] Mike welcomes your podcast suggestions. The Overcast podcasting application.
[0:32:14] Finding time to listen to podcasts.
[0:32:47] Where you can find out more about Mike and his work.
Links, products and resources mentioned in this episode
- Music Radio Creative
- Adobe Creative CLoud
- Audio Technica ATR-2100 (on Amazon UK)*
- Heil PR-40 microphone (on Amazon UK)*
- Odesk (now Upwork)
- Samson Q2U microphone (on Amazon UK)*
- Lead Pages
- National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
- Overcast podcast player app
- WordPress
People mentioned in this episode
- Cliff Ravenscraft – The Podcast Answer Man
- Chris Ducker
- Natalie Sisson
- Johnathan Tilley
- Colin Gray
- David Shaw
- Michal Szafranski
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