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In this episode you’ll learn:
- Why Tom’s new book is called New Magic For A New Era
- How Tom got published
- How writing a book can open doors for you
- Why making appointments with your tasks can help your productivity
- How Tom became interested in personal transformation

Ex-BBC television engineer, Tom Evans, today hosts The Zone Show podcast.
He’s an author, a holistic healer and a creativity and transformation coach who helps others to overcome creative blocks and to get published.
Having written several books, including his latest book, New Magic For A New Era, in this episode, Tom reveals how he gets his writing done.
Tom shares his journey including how he found meditation despite a busy life and why he believes the physics of tomorrow is the metaphysics of today.
“We’re all capable of re-wiring ourselves differently.” – Tom Evans
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Tuning into your muse
[0:00:42] Introducing Tom Evans from The Zone Show
[0:01:10] Rob thanks Tom for his invitation to be on The Zone Show.
[0:01:24] Tom shares his journey. How he helps people.
Getting unstuck
[0:02:54] What Tom does with somebody who is really stuck.
[0:04:00] How a book or product could open doors for you.
[0:04:53] How Tom got published.
Slowing down time
[0:06:00] Tom talks about getting into the zone and the neuroscience that discusses how we perceive time.
[0:06:55] Meditation, writing and why Tom makes appointments with his chapters.
[0:08:12] The left and right brain. Brain research.
[0:09:00] Professor Roger Sperry.
[0:09:38] The book The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGilchrist. RSA animate.
Learning to meditate
[0:10:11] Tom talks about his career transition. Selling his second business.
[0:10:42] Persisting with meditation. Vital existence. Eyes open trance state.
[0:11:31] Interruption barriers.
New magic for a new era
[0:12:50] Tom talks about his new book, New Magic for a New Era.
[0:14:37] Tom mentions Amit Goswami’s book, Self-Aware Universe.
A blessed life
[0:15:13] Rob mentions his chat with Jeff Goins about finding your calling.
[0:16:04] Letting your calling find you. Adversity, gratitude and life lessons.
[0:17:27] Rob asks Tom how he came up with the idea for The Zone Show.
[0:19:30] Having a conversation over Skype with a television company.
[0:19:40] Tom shares the work he is most passionate about.
Reinvention, dreams and new beginnings
[0:20:07] Tom reveals the biggest insight he has had in his life so far.
[0:21:10] Why Tom is passionate for meditation.
[0:22:55] Tom shares his own meditation with you, Being Calm.
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Links and Resources:
- Tom Evans and The Zone Show
- Tom Evans on Twitter
- Tom’s book: New Magic For A New Era
- Professor Roger Sperry on
- Ian McGilchrist’s book: The Master and His Emissary*
- Amit Goswami’s book: Self-Aware Universe*
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