Why meeting a Creative Giant might just change your life…
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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How you will find the right people
- How Charlie handles rejection
- About the powerful character of Creative Giants
- How letting go will help your creative business flourish

Charlie Gilkey is a writer and forward-thinker who has taught many creative entrepreneurs how to master their business.
With rich experience as a logistics officer, an entrepreneur and as an academic, Charlie has clear insight into the challenges and opportunities faced by the modern entrepreneur. Charlie knows what it takes to thrive.
In this episode of Inspirational Creatives, the second of a two-part series with Charlie, the world of the Creative Giant is explored. These are people you need to meet, and become, as they will allow you to fully express who you truly are. They will empower you to create a thriving business.
“Critical first step is not the how… it’s giving yourself the permission to stand in your space and say this is who I am, this is important to me, and this is something I’m going to pursue…” – Charlie Gilkey
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[0:00:42] Join Rob at Alive in Berlin 2015*.
[0:01:44] Rob introduces part 2 (this episode) with Charlie GIlkey.
[0:02:17] Highlights from part 1 (episode 023).
[0:02:51] Charlie faces rejection everyday.
[0:03:24] Becoming desensitised to rejection.
[0:03:35] Charlie talks about a job back in 2008 at the University.
[0:04:05] A conversation around ethics in the academic disciplines.
Thriving vs. surviving
[0:04:57] Charlie talks about when he recognised he was in a position where he felt he was not going to thrive.
[0:05:20] Rob asks why the challenges with the University dug at him personally.
[0:06:17] Rob asks Charlie how he moved forward.
[0:06:32] Charlie had developed a set of options. Military contingency plans.
[0:06:46] Talking about his journey, for Charlie, it hasn’t been about running away from bad things. Exploring fun, positive and valuable spaces. Carrot led vs. stick led.
“I saw it was not going to be a position in which I was going to thrive…I wasn’t going to master what I was in.” – Charlie Gilkey
Making change happen – playing to your strengths
[0:07:18] Charlie wasn’t going to master what he was doing. Full speed or no speed.
[0:08:04] Trying to be a better musician. Attempting a futuristic action adventure story.
[0:08:24] Exploring fiction writing without worrying about what success looks like. Leaning into his strength as a writer.
[0:09:02] Rob mentions Carol Dweck’s Mindset*. Even very talented people work very hard at their craft.
“I’ll take tenacity over talent any day…tenacity builds talent.” – Charlie Gilkey
Creative Giants
[0:09:43] Rob asks Charlie what does it mean to be a Creative Giant.
[0:09:54] Stand Tall Creative Giants. 5 key principles of Creative Giants. “…and…” people. Tend to reap success very quickly.
[0:10:48] Sensitive to how people might feel when they succeed. Taking on responsibility. Carrying load and other people’s load.
[0:11:05] Jacob’s ladder syndrome: never good enough.
[0:11:34] Why Creative Giants want to play smaller. Down playing their own strengths, talents and the amount of good they can do in the world.
Commitment to taking action
“I know you’re going to be able to do it… now we’re just figuring out how…” – Charlie Gilkey
[0:12:07] Why you want to surround yourself with Creative Giants.
[0:13:12] Giving yourself permission. If you’re not pursuing that thing that makes you come alive it’s going to be very hard to find other people doing what makes them come alive.
[0:13:38] Why: this is important, this is who I am.
[0:13:46] Who: writers groups in your town. “Watering holes” and people who are galvanised around certain passions.
[0:14:10] Neighbours on the internet. They’re not the people who live near you: they think with you.
[0:14:21] See them and they’ll see you. Takes time attention, and some rejection.
Dungeons and dragons, Ewoks and PHP code
[0:14:30] Nerds love to talk about what they love. Finding your people.
[0:15:05] Create. Connect. Consume.
[0:15:16] Catalytic moments and insights come from connection. All you need is one person.
[0:15:55] Are you willing to step into that space? Are you willing to be seen?
Displacement is real
[0:16:31] Rob asks Charlie why strategic planning is so hard for creative people.
[0:16:44] Letting go. No or not now.
[0:17:16] Why displacement is real. Why you can’t work on two really big things at once.
[0:17:42] “Which of those things would you feel most fulfilled having done?”
[0:18:15] Charlie shares his proudest achievements.
[0:18:59] Rob asked Charlie what’s inspired him in the last week.
[0:19:40] Talking about finding inspiration everyday. Joy. Magic.
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People, links and resources mentioned in this episode:
If you enjoyed this podcast, you’ll also like:
- Creative Giant Podcast
- Charlie Gilkey on Delivering Epic Experiences with Creative Giants (Part 1)
- Charlie Explains Why Strategic Planning Is Painful For Creative People
- What is Inspirational Creatives?
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