Blogger and author Andrzej Tucholski reaches 40,000 readers each month.
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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How Andrzej manages his time and writing environment
- How Andrzej deals with hurtful reviews and comments
- How English and Polish blog readership differ
- The challenges of translating a book

In deepest Warsaw, Poland, Andrzej Tucholski publishes one of the most influential blogs in his country.
In this episode of Inspirational Creatives Andrzej reveals how he finds time to write, study, judge coffee-making competitions and play video games. He also shares what challenges and inspires him whilst giving some insightful ideas on how to handle criticism.
Having recently published his latest fictional book, Admiralette, a tale about sea-faring exploration and friendship, Andrzej reveals the inspiration behind his new story and the challenges of translating the book from his native language.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[0:01:30] Andrzej shares how having his third book published on-line feels for him. Why he shelved two books previously written.
[0:02:15] Rob asks Andrzej what his biggest challenges were writing Admiralette for an English reading market.
[0:03:03] How Andrzej found that one of his characters spoke differently in English when translated from Polish.
[0:03:30] Andrzej explains the extra steps taken to translate his book from Polish to English.
Oceanic exploration, inspiration and writing for two audiences
[0:04:02] Revealing where the initial inspiration for his new book came from, Andrzej shares how he was inspired when spending time studying in Portugal.
[0:05:28] Andrzej describes how he manages his time writing books and for two popular blogs.
[0:06:22] Writing for both English and Polish reading audiences.
[0:07:05] How English blog readers differ from Polish blog readers.
On writing
[0:08:06] Rob asks Andrzej how he finds the time to produce his material.
[0:08:33] Andrzej describes the environment he creates for his writing practice.
[0:09:28] Rob mentions Stephen King’s On Writing.
[0:09:38] Andrzej reveals he has always wanted to write stories.
[0:10:15] Andrzej shares the best advice he was given and discusses how he deals with hate mail and critiques.
Red pen
“I read positive reviews, I read negative reviews. I always try to get better.” – Andrzej Tucholski
[0:10:58] Andrzej describes a process that involves deep trusting friendships for blunt editorial feedback.
[0:11:28] Andrzej gives an example of the kind of feedback he gets from his friends.
[0:12:11] Rob asks how receiving feedback from friends feels for him.
[0:13:00] Andrzej reveals what stories inspire him the most and what he doesn’t like about the current trends of storytelling in writing.
[0:14:28] Details of how to connect with Andrzej.
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