Videographer turned motivator, with child-like energy, who works with Tony Robbins, Jonathan Fields, Richard Branson and Tim Ferriss…
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In this episode you’ll learn:
- How Michael developed a mindset to create a living he loves
- What Michael told Tim Ferriss when he first met him
- How to identify opportunities for work that you enjoy

Learn how videographer turned motivator, Michael Gebben, founder of the Jumpstarters program inspires others with his child-like energy.
In this episode of Inspirational Creatives, Michael shares with Rob the personal challenges, experiences and successes of his journey including how he overcame a 9 month backlog on his clients’ wedding videos.
Michael has worked with Tony Robbins, Pat Flynn, Jonathan Fields, Richard Branson and Tim Ferriss, to name a few, and is inspiring hundreds with his tips and ideas on motivation, marketing and mindset.
Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
Gebbs Total Video
[0:01:34] Michael provides a background as to who he is and where he is from. Introduces the ‘same day edit’.
[0:02:28] How Tim Ferriss’ book The Four-hour Work Week* ignited the inner entrepreneur in Michael.
[0:03:15] Michael talks about the excuses we come up with.
[0:03:54] Describing how Michael did not know what opportunities were available to him, Michael talks about what stuck out to him.
“It is a miracle that curiosity survives a formal education.” – Albert Einstein
Anything is possible
[0:04:40] Rob ask what Michael’s lightbulb moments were. Michael reflects on how he worked at a local beer distributor who refused to give him a raise.
[0:05:45] Doing funeral slideshows whilst at high school.
[0:06:25] How Michael asked his parents for one year to get things going.
[0:06:44] Michael talks about finding things that you enjoy. When speaking to kids, Michael reflects upon how they still have big ideas and ambitions.
[0:07:46] How Michael only pursues things he enjoys.
“I keep falling down and I keep getting back up” – Michael Gebben
[0:08:10] Michael talks about how you go about make a living doing what you love. We’re all at different points in our life.
[0:08:45] Why it’s important to not pay so much attention to so called ‘gurus’.
[0:10:00] Every day you can be succeeding. Michael highlights the importance of analysing your true needs and just starting.
“The only time I’m failing is when I’m not trying” – Michael Gebben
Just start… but keep it simple
[0:12:00] Michael claims he asks lots of questions. You’re only getting a no if you’re not asking.
[0:12:28] Rob asks Michael how he manages to keep unstuck.
[0:13:15] Creating consistency creates joy and growth.
[0:13:25] Michael talks about the importance of distraction and awareness.
[0:13:53] When Tony Robbins came into his life.
[0:14:12] Michael talks about how he used to get really depressed and would bottle things up inside.
[0:14:58] The importance of getting things off your shoulders. There is somebody else struggling. You’re not alone.
The challenges and the reality…
[0:15:16] Michael talks about how awareness is important to him. How getting depressed at times is part of his journey despite external success in his career as a videographer.
[0:16:20] Going into some detail, Michael describes how he was 9 months behind on delivering his clients’ wedding videos.
[0:17:58] Michael describes, in some detail, what his wedding clients were getting beyond his same day film edit service.
[0:19:06] Always over-delivering and making more money by doing less. The fine line between your best and striving for perfection.
[0:19:42] Too many of us strive for perfection. Michael talks about doing too much and the stuff he and his clients didn’t enjoy. The 80/20 principle.
[0:20:20] The importance of asking why you are doing what you are doing.
[0:20:38] Zen Habits and Tim Ferriss.
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More with less
[0:20:57] Getting rid of everything except for the same day edit. Not charging more but doing less.
[0:21:22] When his career exploded in the video production world.
[0:21:45] Michael talks about having had enough. Having had a friend pass away.
[0:22:20] Filming for Tim Ferriss. How his progress has been a process.
[0:22:55] How Michael has wanted to do more motivational stuff since 2011/2012.
[0:23:32] What Michael did when he started reading the Four Hour Work Week.
[0:24:30] How Michael wasn’t someone who loved video since birth. A candy machine business at school. Michael talks about the basketball player Magic Johnson.
Hell Yes!
[0:25:30] Michael talks about his new Jumpstarters project.
[0:25:50] Driven by something he loves, not money.
[0:26:29] Another big a-ha moment for Michael. How his video work helped him realise what he really wanted.
[0:27:15] Laughing, crying, and wanting to get married again. How Michael finding those moments were what lit him up.
[0:28:15] Talking about putting things off.
[0:28:35] Michael mentions Derek Sivers and how being a ‘Hell Yes’ person is important.
[0:29:00] Talking about how he started a YouTube video channel on his birthday in 2013. Pursuing this everyday for a year, he went from zero to 900 subscribers and a lot of feedback.
“It’s easier to help others than it is to help ourselves sometimes.” – Michael Gebben
Behind the jumpstarter
[0:30:00] Launching Jumpstarters on his birthday.
[0:31:18] Michael highlights the importance of being a do-er. Talks about how Todd Herman, Steve Sisler and Jana Schuberth brought extreme clarity to his life.
[0:32:10] Gebbs V.I.P.
“When it comes easy… that’s what you should do.” – Steve Sisler
[0:33:10] It’s not about the how. Jumpstarting people’s lives and businesses.
[0:34:20] Selling his own T-shirts.
Jumpstart your life
[0:35:10] How being ‘selfish’ brings both Michael and his audience enormous amounts of joy.
[0:36:00] Michael asks “If you’re not happy how do you expect to sustain making others happy?”
[0:36:36] Michael sought mentors to overcome being stuck.
[0:36:50] Sharing details of Gebbs V.I.P. and the T-shirts.
[0:38:21] Rob asks Michael what’s inspired him in the last 7 days.
A note on audio quality: I strive to provide my listeners with the very best podcast audio quality. Occasionally, the incredible technology that it is, that enables us to have live transatlantic calls, breaks up a little. Thanks for being forgiving!
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Links and Resources:
- Jumpstarters
- Gebbs VIP
- Alive in Berlin*
- Gebbs Channel (YouTube – the T-shirts!)
- Tim Ferriss and The Four Hour Work Week*
- Zen Habits
- Luxy Hair
People mentioned in this episode:
- Steve Sisler
- Todd Herman
- Jana Schuberth
- Paul Reddick
- Derek Sivers
- Pat Flynn
- Derek Halpern
- Tony Robbins
- Richard Branson
- Magic Johnson
- Louis Howse
- Jonathan Fields
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