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In this episode you’ll learn about:
- The biggest obstruction to your success
- The importance of looking for your purpose first (or not)
- The importance of learning to craft your own story
- How Pam creates a powerful place to write

Author of Escape From Cubicle Nation and Body of Work, Pam Slim, shares her own stories, strategies and insights for those looking to bring together their life experiences into a unified theme. Pam Slim has helped many artists and entrepreneurs learn what it means to create a body of work and a meaningful legacy.
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Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[0:01:51] Pam provides an insightful introduction to her family and home life.
[0:02:15] Growing up in San Anselmo, California, Pam brings her childhood environment to the conversation. Pam shares a story of how she used to both visit phoenix lake and climb a dangerous roof to write poems (her parents still don’t know about this…)
[0:04:30] Pam reflects on how her life was full of jazz, funk and rock musicians when growing up. How these experiences influenced her. Pam’s neighbours were members of the funk band, Sly and the Family Stone and also Jefferson Starship.
[0:06:00] Rob asks Pam how those early experiences shaped Pam as an adult today. Pam describes why a poem that her Dad had kept resonated with her. Pam describes how this poem reveals an important thread to Pam’s adult life so far.
“Challenge is a part of everyday life.” – Pam Slim
[0:09:25] Pam describes why she is genetically incapable of doing work she doesn’t enjoy. Rob asks Pam about the work she enjoys doing and gets paid for.
[0:11:20] Pam talks about enjoying the effort.
[0:11:46] Having recently returned from a writers retreat with Betsy Rapoport, Pam shares some wisdom about her writing process and the importance of ‘sucking’ even if you’re great at writing. Pam describes the importance of ‘open days’ and balancing a full practice (including being a Mom.)
[0:13:20] Pam discusses the power of deadlines.
[0:14:32] Rob asks Pam how she creates the environment and time she needs to write. Pam emphasises how designating certain days for certain tasks can be the key to succeeding with creative endeavours.
Finding Purpose
[0:17:09] ‘That thing’. The biggest obstruction to taking action: finding your purpose first. Pam describes how those who truly know their single purpose in life are rare. Pam suggests having roots are more useful. Through the process of creativity (and action) people are more likely to find work with personal meaning and significance. Why “all your need is passion” is not true…
[0:18:05] Talking about her Dad, Pam describes how her father, a passionate freelance photographer, still gets nervous and is always challenging himself.
[0:21:50] Pam describes how certain activities at different stages of your life can be more useful and, whilst not always fun, can lead to greater fulfilment.
[0:23:25] Rob asks Pam about the power of storytelling. Pam describes how we share values and traditions through storytelling. Learn how telling an effective story is a powerful asset for artists, professionals and entrepreneurs.
[0:27:37] Pam shares some tips and resources with Rob that can help those interested in learning more about the art and power of story-telling. Nancy Duarte and Resonate. Pam’s Indispensable programme.
[0:29:39] Rob asks Pam what has inspired her recently (see Nike link below.)
[0:32:15] Pam shares with Rob what she is grateful for.
[0:32:48] Finally, Pam shares her latest plans and where people can reach her.
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Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
- Pamela’s website
- Nancy Duarte Resonate
- Betsy Rapoport
- San Anselmo
- Brandon Stanton Humans of New York
- Nike commercial produced by Jordan Dinwiddie on Facebook
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