Greg Hartle made $10 million from ten dollars and a laptop.
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Here’s what we talk about:
- The two costly mistakes that almost every artist and entrepreneur makes
- How to correctly pursue ideas you are passionate about
- How being creative can be about solving problems
- The attributes Greg’s mother gave him as a person and entrepreneur

Bringing actionable skills, fresh insight, focus and creativity to individual entrepreneurs and startups, Greg Hartle’s rich 16 year career, so far, has had him advising, guiding and mentoring businesses across the United States in an attempt to improve the startup success rate.
What is less known is that Greg is terminally ill. During his keynote speech at Alive in Berlin*, Greg presented a slide that provoked many into action: a countdown clock depicting his own life span with only months to live.
This podcast interview and series are a result of that action.
In this inaugural Inspirational Creatives interview we explore what it means to be fully alive and what creativity means to Greg. Offering ideas as to why you shouldn’t quit your job (yet) to pursue your passions, you’ll find out what it means to a successful entrepreneur to live everyday as though it’s your last.
You’ll also learn how an elderly gentlemen, on seeing the ocean for the first time, inspired Greg to ask a powerful life-changing question everywhere he goes.
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Items mentioned in this episode (quick access):
[0:02:28] Greg discusses with Rob what creativity means to him. Greg sees himself as an analytical person and believes that creativity is about problem solving, curiosity and exploration.
[0:04:09] Curiosity, exploration and problem-solving.
[0:04:55] As a child Greg was calm yet very active. Greg describes how his curiosity tested limits with those in authority and how he found himself always asking ‘why?’
Early inspiration
[0:07:53] Greg describes how his mother was an inspiration to him. His mother demonstrated to Greg, what he believes are, entrepreneurial characteristics such as resilience, hard work and grit.
Resilience (in an uncertain world)
[0:11:27] Greg and Rob look deeper at the importance of resilience in an uncertain world.
[0:12:05] Greg explores the importance of resilience. Culturally, we try to create structures that we can control yet the reality is, with the evolution of culture and technology, that uncertainty has increased.
Listen to this before you give up your day job…
[0:13:38] Greg provides suggestions to those thinking of giving up their day job to pursue a new venture.
[0:17:39] Greg talks about the importance of becoming deeply skilled in a world of instant gratification.
[0:18:54] How do you measure up with other people?
[0:20:04] Greg discusses with Rob the importance of ‘little bets’ to test the waters. If you are skilled at something people will come to you. Greg highlights the importance of building up career capital.
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Persistence (and how long to pursue an idea)
[0:22:26] Greg discusses with Rob how he measures how long it is worth persisting with a new venture before he moves on.
Dealing with failure
[0:26:46] Greg reveals that his success also came with failure including how he lost $7million in a real-estate business.
Imagine seeing the ocean for the first time (in your seventies)
[0:30:54] Greg describes to Rob how working with aspiring entrepreneurs, today, is an ongoing inspiration for him.
[0:31:02] Why Greg finds first-time entrepreneurs super-inspirational.
[0:32:13] Greg reflects on how meeting a tearful old gentleman by the ocean inspired him describing why he was upset and why he wishes he had been their with his wife.
[0:35:30] Greg reveals what he is most grateful for.
[0:36:20] Greg shares where he can be reached and what he’s currently working on (links below.)
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Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
If you enjoyed this podcast, you’ll also like:
- Episode 000 What is Inspirational Creatives?
- Episode 002 How To Quit Your Career and Avoid Two Costly Mistakes
- Episode 003 Pam Slim on Storytelling, Creative Writing and Childhood
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